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29/09/2017 | Partnership Agreement with Istanbul Aydin University

29/09/2017 | Partnership Agreement with Istanbul Aydin University

GIMI President, Yossie Shevel, met with a senior staff at Istanbul Aydin University. Present at the meeting were Irem Arman, Assistant to the President, Prof. Ozum Uzun Vice Dean of National Security, Ayse Deniz Ozkan, Head of the International Department and Emin Devrim Fidan, Coordinator of Short Term Study Programmes.

They signed a partnership agreement that covers cooperation on a number of activities.

They agreed to exchange delegations at the beginning of 2018 for three days of discussions on long term security aspects in the Eastern Mediterranean. In Istanbul, Senior leaders will be invited including the Prime Minister, the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, senior military officers, decision makers from Ankara, the Mayor of Istanbul, heads of research institutions on security and ambassadors, including the Israeli ambassador. In Israel, high ranking security figures and heads of intelligence systems will be invited.

In addition, they discussed the possibility of delivering a joint two week programme for American students on the Middle East. Galilee Institute also promised to grant the university scholarships for its programmes on higher education, health systems management, port senior management, crisis and mass disaster management, national security and public administration.



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