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Creating an Ecosystem for SME Development – Boosting Job Creation

Creating an Ecosystem for SME Development – Boosting Job Creation

Entrepreneurship and innovation are tools to stimulate growth and development in existing economies. Active leadership that stimulates intellectual capacity, implements the values of individuals, enterprises, and institutions, communities and regions can lead to the development of potential sources for wealth creation. Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play a significant role in most economies, especially in developing countries.

SMEs account for most businesses worldwide and are important contributors to job creation and the overall global economic development. SMEs represent about 90% of all businesses and cover more than 50% of employment worldwide. Formal SMEs contribute as much as 40% of national income in emerging economies. Recurrent difficulties to succeed in development are financial gaps and having access to formal credit. Finding innovative solutions to unlock sources of capital are an ongoing challenge. This programme supplies knowhow tools needed for creating entrepreneurial innovative SME sector.

This programme is designed for

  • Public sector economic experts
  • Leaderships of financial institutions
  • Local authorities
  • Innovation, and Impact Agents


  • Government support mechanisms for SME’s
  • Removing Barriers for SMEs development – Regulatory Environment
  • Financing and Financial Support for SMEs
  • Job Creation Schemes
  • Women Empowerment for Economic Development
  • The private sector: The key for economic development
  • Supporting MSMEs
  • Government Role in Creating the Ecosystem of Innovation
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation for value creation
  • The entrepreneur mindset
  • Israel- the startup nation: How is Israel innovative and what can be learned and implemented
  • Marketing, innovation, and creativity-case studies

Study Tours

  • Innovation Hubs and Accelerators
  • Universities as a start-up accelerator
  • Entrepreneurship Centers

Fees and Scholarships

The Tuition Fee: 2,900 USD

Cost of Participation (per person):

  • Single Occupancy (one person in a room) 5,900 USD*
  • Double Occupancy (two people sharing a room) 4,800 USD*

* Includes programme fees, accommodation, full board, medical insurance, excursions, airport transfers.

Tuition Scholarships

There are a limited number of tuition scholarships available for eligible participants. Each scholarship covers the tuition fee of the programme. Please note that it does not cover the cost of participation and airfare.

“Early Bird” Discount

There is an “Early Bird” Discount of 200$ USD for applicants completing the registration process at least eight weeks before the commencement of the programme.



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Dr. Nathan Tirosh


Dr. Nathan Tirosh

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