Achieving Food Security Using Smart Farming Solutions - Study Visit
- English
Worldwide agriculture is currently undergoing rapid technological and economic changes- Israel, the High-tech Nation is at the forefront of those efforts.
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Environmental Management in Era of Climate Change - Study Visit
- English
As the world focuses on mitigating and adapting to climate change, significant global efforts are driving rapid technological and economic transformations.
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Sustainable Dairy Farm Management
- English
With an astonishing average milk yield of over 11,000 litres per cow during a lactation cycle, Israel's 900 dairy farms stand as global leaders in dairy production. Join us to uncover the secrets behind this remarkable achievement and connect with dairy farmers in our Sustainable Dairy Farm Management training...
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Sustainable Agribusiness in Era of Climate Change
- English
Agribusiness is still of central importance to most of the world’s economies. To effectively contribute to economic growth there must be coordinated links between agribusiness firms, farmers, retailers and others in the supply chain.
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Integrated Water Resources Management - Study Visit
- English
We have all heard that water is life, and indeed it is. What is often ignored, however, is the fact that water is also a key component of development. In Israel, a small semi-arid country, we never had the luxury of taking water for granted.
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Tailor-Made Options - Range of topics in the Agriculture and Water Sector
- English,
- French,
- Spanish
Organisations have the option of choosing training tailored to their specific needs. On Demand programmes are appropriate for organisations with specific goals, as they can also be oriented towards implementation.
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